Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today I finished my self imposed Be leaving for the boat on the 8th of April. Lots of new parts and toys for the life style.

Some more blue water to look at. You are looking at the reactor without the head installed.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Blue Water

Tonight was the end of the night shift. Four more days and I am finished working and get back to Le Chat. Can't believe I have been working for five months. Great experience but glad it is coming to an end! Here is blue water reminiscent of the South Pacific.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today is my day off and just happens to be my B Day. Double Nickels(55). Bottle of Cristal and Birds of Paradise rounds out the prezzy list. Gotta go as the champers is ready to consume!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Pacific

As stated in my last post this is not a bad to place to work ,all things considered. As you can see from the photo a prime vista.

Today was like Christmas around here as when I arrived from work there were boxes galore to unload. My rope antenna for the Ham/SSB arrived and I will start a new page to describe the install and comparison with the split backstay after I return to the boat next month